To support healthcare professionals in improving adherence, a series of articles has been developped to provide digestible learning resources around the role behavior science plays in adherence, including practical insights relating to therapy areas. The articles provide a useful companion to a series of masterclasses where the subjects of adherence and behavioral science are explored in more depth.

Latest articles

Overcoming barriers to medication adherence: a comprehensive guide

Medication adherence- a global concern Medication adherence is a critical component of healthcare, particularly when addressing chronic diseases. Nearly 75 percent of American consumers report not always following their prescription medicine as directed. This nonadherence is responsible for significant worsening of diseases, increased mortality, and a surge in healthcare expenses. A 2003 World Health Organization…

General Topics

Benefits of cardiovascular imaging in patient behavior and adherence

Impact of cardiac imaging techniques on clinical medicine Cardiac imaging techniques are important tools used in modern medicine to visualize and evaluate the structure and function of the heart and blood vessels. These non-invasive or minimally invasive imaging techniques provide important information for the diagnosis, treatment planning and monitoring of various cardiovascular diseases4. Echocardiography enables…

Cardio Metabolic

Unravelling the path on how to improve medication adherence

Medication adherence is a multi-faceted concept extending beyond taking prescribed drugs to include numerous health-related behaviors. Recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), this concept encompasses an array of interventions critical for chronic disease management, highlighting the necessity for active patient involvement in treatment processes. Behaviors like seeking medical attention, prescription filling, lifestyle changes, and…

General Topics

Non-compliance in heart failure patients- an emerging pandemic

Introduction Heart failure defined as a chronic functional impairment of cardiac muscles is a life-threatening public health issue. It is an “emerging endemic” affecting more than 64 million people worldwide1,2. In high-income countries, the prevalence of diagnosed heart failure in the general population is estimated to range between 1-2% and could be as high as…

Cardio Metabolic

Strategies to develop a therapeutic alliance for medication adherence

How to establish therapeutic alliance? The concept of therapeutic alliance can be understood through three main components: goals, bond, and tasks1: Therapeutic alliance consists of three important elements: agreement of the goals of the treatment, agreement on the tasks, and the personal bond development between patient and therapist. When patient and therapist share beliefs to…

General Topics

Health belief model examples for diabetes

What is the health belief model? The Health Belief Model (HBM) was one of the first models developed in the 1950s, by a group of social psychologists to understand why people engage in or do not engage in disease screening and disease prevention measures2. There are six constructs of HBM1. A. Constructs of health belief…

Cardio Metabolic

Medication adherence in cardiovascular disease

Importance of medication adherence in managing CVD  Medication adherence plays a critical role in effectively managing CVD. CVD refers to a group of conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, and hypertension. Medication adherence is important for several reasons: However, medication adherence can be difficult for a…

Cardio Metabolic

Nudge healthcare: case studies driving improved patient outcomes

An individual’s behavior can negatively impact the health outcomes. Adherence to therapies is a major factor that negatively impacts disease outcomes. In addition individual choices like unhealthy diet, smoking as well as limited physical activity also contribute to poor health outcomes leading to significant disease and economic burden for the patients as well as the…

General Topics

Enhancing medication adherence with patient engagement software

Patient engagement entails empowering patients and enabling their active participation in healthcare decision-making.4 Engaged patients show better treatment adherence, improved patient outcomes, and reduced healthcare costs.2 To learn more about patient engagement, please read – Enhancing patient engagement in healthcare – a paradigm shift for improved outcomes.  Although patient engagement is the need of the…

General Topics

Transforming cardiology outcomes with digital health and eHealth innovations

What is digital health?  Digital health is defined as the knowledge and practice of adopting any aspects of digital techniques that help in improving health, from inception to operation1.   What is eHealth?  The utilization of information and communications technologies that are both cost-effective and safe has become essential in promoting health and supporting health-related fields.…

Cardio Metabolic

Digital therapeutics: revolutionizing healthcare

What is digital therapeutic? Digital therapeutics is a subset of digital health, defined as therapeutic intervention delivered directly to the patient by a high-quality software program to prevent, monitor, treat, and manage any medical disease or disorder. This evidence-based intervention by DTx can increase healthcare accessibility and effectiveness 3. DTx and software as a medical…

General Topics

Suspecting non-adherent behavior doesn’t hurt, overestimating it does!

A profoundly impactful statement by WHO captures the importance of medication non-adherence succinctly – “Increasing the effectiveness of adherence interventions may have a far greater impact on the health of the population than any improvement in specific medical treatments”2. This effective intervention for improving patient health does not depend on any costly cutting-edge technology but…

General Topics

Medication compliance in mental health for improved treatment outcome

Good health is defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Lack of debilitating physical symptoms alone doesn’t necessarily mean sound health. Although the focus on mental health is growing, the global efforts to remedy them have remained insufficient1. Mental health conditions include various mental and neurological disorders, substance-abuse behavior, suicidal tendencies as…

Central Nervous System

Enhancing patient engagement in healthcare – a paradigm shift for improved outcomes

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare scenario, patient engagement is critical. Active patient engagement improves treatment quality, especially in case of chronic diseases. Recognising the impact, it has on health behaviours and outcomes, healthcare fraternity is looking for newer ways to engage patients.1   What is patient engagement? Patient engagement refers to the active participation and…

General Topics

Medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes: barriers & interventions

Patients suffering from symptom-less chronic diseases are susceptible to non-adherence behavior toward their medication and lifestyle recommendations, especially if they are associated with other comorbidities. Type-2 Diabetes (T2D) is a metabolic disorder and is frequently associated with other co-morbodities like obesity and hypertension. These patients are predisposed to develop cardiovascular diseases, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy,…

Cardio Metabolic

What is medication compliance?

It has become even more crucial to focus on the underlying causes of illnesses as well as medication compliance to reduce the overall global illness burden. Medication compliance vs. adherence1-3 The terms compliance and adherence are often used interchangeably, however, there is only a very thin line between adherence and compliance. Compliance can be defined…

General Topics
A beautiful moment between a middle-aged mother and a young adult daughter.

Medication adherence in adolescents – challenges and interventions

Adherence to treatment in adolescents is a major challenge for doctors and healthcare professionals. Adherence rates in the adolescent population vary widely from 10% to 89% for chronic diseases2. There are many repercussions of low adherence in teens, with obvious consequences for themselves, their families, and the health care system. For chronic conditions, low adherence…

General Topics
Physician counseling a patient

Methods of behavior change in medication non-adherence

Behavior is defined as the action or set of activities in response to an internal or external stimulus2. Behavior is a key risk factor for individual and public health in multiple ways. It impacts disease prevention, seeking medical attention, adhering to the prescribed treatment, and also delivery of healthcare for several diseases and also for…

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