As healthcare professionals, we recognize that adherence is not a one-time event but a repeated and ongoing health behavior. When patients struggle with adherence, they require support to change their behavior effectively. Utilizing theory-driven, evidence-based behavioral interventions can play a crucial role in positively influencing patient health outcomes.

The A:CARE program equips you with essential tools and techniques to improve adherence. We place strong emphasis on supporting the education of healthcare professionals and empowering patients to make positive changes in their behavior. Our approach involves gently nudging patients in the right direction, ensuring they can follow the advice and treatment prescribed by you, their healthcare provider.





At Abbott, our mission is to revolutionize the landscape of healthcare by redefining the way we address chronic diseases, malnutrition, and infectious ailments. Through our innovative approach, we empower healthcare providers to optimize their interactions with patients, while simultaneously assisting patients in the comfort of their homes. By doing so, we aim to relieve the strain of adherence on healthcare systems on a broader scale.

We are dedicated to advancing health equity by forging strong partnerships with leading institutions and medical societies. Through these collaborations, A:CARE is committed to reshaping the digital health arena, making it more inclusive and accessible. Armed with behavioral science and evidence-based digital solutions, we aspire to elevate the overall well-being of individuals, propelling them towards healthier lives.