Dr. Bernard Vrijens

Dr. Bernard Vrijens
Dr Vrijens is invited Professor of Biostatistics and the University of Liege, Belgium and CEO of AARDEX who develop and market hardware, software and algorithmic solutions to measure and manage medication adherence.
An early career as a Chief Science Officer and a Statistician led to an interest in compliance patterns and biostatistics and in 2018 Dr Vrijens founded AARDEX.
AARDEX’S MEMS® technology (Medication Event Monitoring Systems) covers hardware from bottle caps to pill blisters and cream tubes and software, available on laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Showing patients the data from MEMs had the effect of positively impacting on their adherence, so what was initially designed as a monitoring system evolved into a means to intervene and improve adherence.
Dr Vrijens has published over 80 papers in peer reviewed journals, is the author of several reports in the field of patient adherence to prescribed therapy, regularly lectures to international audiences on compliance and is a founding member of the European Society for Patient Adherence, Compliance and Persistence.