Profile +
Country risks are defined as followed according to the guidelines:

Low-risk countries:
Belgium, Denmark, France, Israel, Luxembourg, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the UK.
Moderate-risk countries:
Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, and Sweden.
High-risk countries:
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Slovakia, and Turkey.
Very-high-risk countries:
Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Egypt, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Syria, TFYR (Macedonia), Tunisia, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

The user of the calculator can overwrite this setting and manually change the country risk.

For the countries that are not mentioned hereabove, please refer to local guidelines and set up the country risk accordingly
Personal history +
Documented ASCVD, clinical or unequivocal on imaging.
Documented clinical ASCVD includes previous AMI, ACS, coronary revascularization and other arterial revascularization procedures, stroke and TIA, aortic aneurysm and PAD.
Unequivocally documented ASCVD on imaging includes plaque on coronary angiography or carotid ultrasound or on CTA.
It does NOT include some increase in continuous imaging parameters such as intima-media thickness of the carotid artery.
TOD: Target Organ Damage (retinopathy or nephropathy or neuropathy)
Severe TOD is defined as at least one of:
eGFR <45 mL/min/1.73 m2 irrespective of the presence or absence of albuminuria;
eGFR 46-59 mL/min/1.73 m2 and microalbuminuria (ACR 30-300 mg/g or 3-30 mg/mmol);
proteinuria (ACR >300 mg/g or >30 mg/mmol);
presence of microvascular disease in at least three different sites (e.g. microalbuminuria plus retinopathy plus neuropathy).
Include those smoking for less than a year.
Moderate: GFR 30-59 ml/min/1.73 m2.
Severe: GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2
  • Moderate: GFR 30-59 ml/min/1.73 m2
  • Severe: GFR <30 ml/min/1.73 m2
Current Labs/Exams +
Non-HDL-C is used as an estimation of the total amount of atherogenic lipoproteins in plasma and calculated from total cholesterol minus HDL-C.
Non-HDL-C = (Total Cholesterol) - (HDL-C)
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