“Don’t remind me to take my medication”: Exploring behaviors behind medication non-adherence
This session explores the complex issue of medication non-adherence, moving beyond the common assumption that it primarily results from forgetfulness. Drawing on evidence that reminder devices alone do not significantly improve adherence, Prof. John Weinman highlights the complexity of this phenomenon, which has been linked to over 700 distinct factors1. By introducing the COM-B model2, the session categorizes these factors into three key domains: capability, opportunity, and motivation. This model underscores the importance of understanding patient-specific determinants of non-adherence, acknowledging that these factors can vary over time and between individuals. He also identifies several barriers faced by healthcare professionals, including limited time, inadequate training, and an environment often not favorable to discussing non-adherence. Practical strategies, such as clear communication and exploring patient concerns are also emphasized.
To explore these behavior change techniques and strategies in greater depth, watch the video.
1. Kardas P, et al. Determinants of patient adherence: a review of systematic reviews. Frontiers in pharmacology. 2013;4:91
2. Jackson C, et al. Applying COM-B to medication adherence: a suggested framework for research and interventions. European Health Psychology Society. 2014;16(1):7-17.

Prof. John Weinman