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Three healthcare practitioners in deep discussion.

Covid-19 as a teacher: Lessons learned in medication adherence

The covid-19 pandemic was catastrophic for healthcare infrastructure and it has highlighted the deficiencies in the system1. Medication non-adherence soared during the pandemic because of virus containment measures that led to disruption in healthcare services, breakdown of support network, financial constraints, and enhancement of psychological issues 2 Identifying the vulnerable, strengthening health infrastructure, and use…

General Topics
Kid looking through a microscope

Improving medication adherence through a collaborative approach with the CfBI Medical Adherence and Digital Health consortium

Abbott is proud to work with CfBI Medical Adherence and Digital Health consortium, which brings together powerful stakeholders and decision makers from across healthcare encompassing organizations from the pharmaceutical, pharmacy, contract research, technology, patient advocacy, insurance, and health care professional sectors – advised by leading academics. This is taking a collaborative pan industry approach to…

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Is nudging enough to achieve behavioral changes at short notice?

Nudging is a powerful tool in helping people make the right decisions without forcing them to do so. It has been widely used by public authorities to help the general public adopt behaviors beneficial to them, that otherwise they would tend not to adopt. In his groundbreaking book “Nudge”, Nobel prize winner Richard Thaler gives…

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Pandemic outbreak management: a behavioral science perspective

Pandemics are not new to the humankind, and the coronavirus is just the latest (and most probably not the last) of them. A considerable number of the pandemics were dealt with medically, through vaccination.1,2 This was the case for polio, smallpox, rubella, to name but few. These diseases had been killing great numbers of people…

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