a:care congress 2024
Adherence is a behavior.
Do we have the right one?

The global challenge

Half of the patients do not take their medication as advised and one-third never fill their prescriptions1. Medication non-adherence is a significant global health issue, leading to worsened clinical outcomes and increased healthcare costs 2.

Do patients simply forget?
No! It’s far more complex.

An innovative approach

Abbott aims to address the challenge of non-adherence through its a:care program, which merges digital health and behavioral science to improve patient engagement with their treatment.

Join us at the forefront of change at the biggest global virtual gathering of healthcare professionals, as we launch the 3rd edition of:

Abstract vibrant background with waves of bright yellow on a light blue backdrop representing movement and change


Diving deep into human behavior, this year’s congress goes beyond surface-level solutions:

  • Focus deeper on the complexities of human behavior driving non-adherence
  • Explore the impact of a reality involving new technologies and artificial intelligence.

Join the transformation: The congress invites healthcare professionals globally to share strategies and insights on transforming care practices, emphasizing patient-centric approaches and the role of behavioral science in fostering medication adherence


Armed with key themes such as the global impact of non-adherence, behavioral insights, and the role of technology in physician-patient relationship that will equip you with the latest tools and strategies to address non-adherence.


Chaired by luminaries of behavioral science Dr. Sheri D Pruitt (USA) with Prof John Weinman (UK), the congress features sessions from 12 renowned international experts across various specialties and therapy areas.

Embrace the challenge, change the narrative !

Endorsed by


  1. Lam Wai Yin and Fresco Paula. Medication adherence Measures: An overview. Biomed Res. Int. 2015; Oct 11
  2. Khan R, Socha-Dietrich K. Investing in medication adherence improves health outcomes and health system efficiency. OECD Health Working Paper No. 105. 2018